Our Teachers

Raman Devi

Coming from an Indian heritage some of the practices in this ancient discipline was already inherent within Raman. Particularly the devotional side of the practice, chanting and serving others in the community. This inner knowing led Raman to complete her first traditional Hatha Yoga training in India where these ancient practices had a profound effect on her not only on a physical level but also mentally and emotionally.

This encouraged her to further her studies by completing her Jivamukti Training at the Eco Village in Mumbai where the philosophy of simple living and higher thinking resonated with her. Through her own personal practice and studying and being able to study with great teachers such as Sharon Gannon, Yogeswari, Vijay Kumar and Matthew Sweeny has enabled her to further more develop and evolve within the practice but also how the ancient teachings are ever so needed in today’s modern world. Yoga is one complete package and it can’t be separated but as individuals we can see how the practice can influence how we view the world with a clear vision. Raman has spent many years in India studying at various institutes to deepen her knowledge but also using the time to be immersed within the culture and being inspired by this discipline.

A sincere interest in the Vedic scriptures has enabled Raman to continue her study on the Bhagavad Gita and dedicating her time in learning the essence of Bhakti Yoga and studying with Gary Carter on anatomy and movement and how through knowledge of anatomy can help teachers to make intelligent choices about the way they teach their students.

Raman’s approach within teaching is inspired with a sense of wonder and how the body is an instrument for us to reach our fullest potential by working through all those layers of habitual patterns we have built in our lifetime. Raman brings the ancient discipline and the teachings of the Vedic scriptures into each of her classes inspiring students to learn and discover how to be the best version of self on and off the mat.

Hannah Watson

Hannah started practising yoga in 2016 and, after several years of dedicated practice, she completed her teacher training in 2020. Yoga has helped her to keep fit, to build strength and flexibility, and also to manage her mental health. The teachings of yoga philosophy have had a profound impact on her life, and she is always excited and curious to learn more.

Hannah enjoys many different styles of yoga, but is especially fond of dynamic vinyasa. She likes to explore a variety of challenging poses including backbends, arm balances, and inversions. Hannah’s sequences are energetic and fun, with invigorating movements, and graceful transitions. They are carefully constructed to be accessible for all levels; everyone should be able to experience the benefits of yoga!

When she isn’t practising yoga, Hannah is usually doing something musical. She plays the piano and the violin, and enjoys performing at concerts, weddings, festivals, and other events. She also teaches music lessons, and writes her own musical compositions. Hannah is delighted to have found two lifelong passions: yoga and music. It is a great gift in life to be able to teach, encourage, and inspire others.

Tracy Estefane

Tracy started her yoga journey when she discovered Bikram hot yoga in London as she was completing her masters degree. With every drop of sweat she was letting go of things that no longer served her – mainly an unhealthy lifestyle and outlook on life – and her world started to change one breath at a time.

As she started experiencing the healing benefits of yoga, she quickly became dedicated to a daily practice and was eager to spread this new-found positivity around her.

In September 2014, she joined a training in Scotland with Esak Garcia, international yoga champion, which completely shifted her practice and reinforced her longing for teaching yoga.

In June 2015, she finally took the leap to turn her passion into her profession and joined the 200 hours Hot Yoga Teacher Training at the Absolute Yoga Academy in Thailand.

Directly upon completion of the program and returning back home, she started teaching private and public yoga classes – including Hot Yoga, Vinyasa, Power Yoga and Yogalates – in Beirut’s leading yoga studios and gyms. She was a member of Sarvam’s family as a dedicated practitioner since they opened in 2016 and joined their teaching team in April 2017. 

She continues to deepen her knowledge in yoga by attending workshops and trainings with some of the most qualified yoga teachers worldwide. 

She has since completed her 300hr training with Yoga Renew and is an E-RYT 500 with the yoga alliance. 

She is now co-leading yearly teacher training programs in Lebanon with Sarvam Yoga School, and is specialized in vinyasa yoga.

In addition to yoga, she is a meditation practitioner, pranic healing and rebirthing breathwork student and enthusiast of everything spiritual. She’s done numerous workshops and trainings in these fields, obtaining certificates and much experience. She leads a meditation group called 365 days of abundance.

Her mission is to spread the yoga practice and lifestyle in her surrounding to help people experience its life changing benefits just as she did. Her classes inspire practitioners to adopt an introspective attitude and start a journey into self-awareness and personal development on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Kiran Devi

Kiran fell in love with yoga as soon as she stepped on the mat 10 years ago, and hasn’t looked back (unless doing a backbend!). Years of practice led Kiran to embark on the journey to become a qualified teacher.

I am 500 hours trained in yoga and I continue to develop my understanding and enhance my knowledge of yoga (forever a student).
200hr Teacher Training, Yogahaven, Italy
300hr Vinyasa Training, Sampoona Yoga, India
50hr Yin Training, Norman Blair,London

:Assistant teacher on a 200 hour and 500 hour teacher training in India Goa
Kiran’s aim as a teacher is to continue to deepen her understanding of the practice and to share this knowledge with others. Her classes encourage a focus on breath in order to calm and still the mind; she emphasises correct alignment in order to reap the many benefits of each asana. This all culminates in a well deserved, Zen filled savasana.

Yoga, for me now is a regular discipline and not just an exercise routine. I love the spiritual benefits of yoga and through movement yoga creates this inner space, a sense of freedom and happiness to the soul. Yoga helps us centre and balance our lives in a way that keeps us naturally happy, healthy and emotionally stable. I feel very grateful I can share the magic of yoga with others. In my classes I create a friendly space where I encourage students to move mindfully, joyfully with an emphasis on breath and creative sequencing.

Hollie Beardmore

Yoga bought new perspectives, self acceptance and a whole bag of gratitude for myself and others. From flip reversing my own mind set, Yoga was too magic not to share with others. I love to move the body in creative yet simple ways allowing us to fully nourish from the inside out. By challenging ourselves on the mat in a physical sense, we can start to bring these ideas in to our daily lives and this is where the true yoga begins. I’m just here to learn, evolve and adapt and hope collectively we all continue to be the best versions of ourselves.

Lots of love x x

Hollie x x

Andrea Hassett

Andrea is recognised as a Yoga Alliance Professionals Senior Teacher; she has been teaching for 10 years and practicing for 20 years.

Andrea started her journey by training in Hot yoga as she was drawn to the elements of the physical practice. She taught hot yoga for many years and through this came to the realisation that there was much more to yoga then practising in a hot room. She decided to open her own yoga studio with the intention of bringing the physical practices and the true essence of what Yoga is to Birmingham by offering a diverse range of practices that are inclusive and accessible for all and that Yoga is for everyone .
Yoga Sweat has now been running for 8 years and through determination, dedication and a great team behind her, it has brought a warm sense of community in to the city centre.

Andrea has a lot to offer on the teacher training program and she brings her experience and love of yoga combined with her business acumen. You will learn the fundamentals of a balanced yoga practice, asana, pranayama, meditation and the science and philosophy that provides the framework for the practices.

Andrea is very much inspired by this quote and she believes that her passion has been driven by her love of yoga and if you love your passion then it doesn’t really feel like work!

“If you love your work, if you enjoy it, you’re already a success.” – Jack Canfield

Harjean Ubhi

Harjean went to her first yoga class when she was 18 years old. Since then she was hooked on yoga. She tried different types of yoga but her practice was very sporadic. It wasn’t until she moved to New York City in 2010 and found Ashtanga yoga that she was truly converted. Ashtanga yoga truly changed her life and transformed her mind and body. She fell in love with the grounding practice and teachings of Ashtanga and became dedicated to a 6 day practice. Even though her yoga practice was challenging (and at times painful!) Harjean felt that she had to continue with the practice and make it a part of her life.

She has seen and experienced the true healing of yoga and what a deep impact it can make in a person’s life. Being a qualified psychotherapist, Harjean has used yoga therapy to help clients suffering from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, autoimmune diseases and stress. Harjean believes that through healing the body we heal our mind. Harjean is grateful for all the teachers that have led her on this path. She dedicates her daily practice to her teachers, Danny Paradise, John Scott, Manju Jois and the late Sri Pattabhi Jois.

‘Practice practice practice, and all is coming’- Pattabhi Jois

Kam Bola

Kam started practising yoga in 2008 and over the years her love for the practice and values of yoga have deepened. Kam completed the teacher training in July 2015 and anticipates continuing this journey as a teacher for many years to come. Yoga has shaped Kam’s life and given her the strength to cope with the challenges that life brings. Finding the work, life, family and yoga balance has enriched her well-being, and she hopes to bring this energy to her classes.

Fav Quote: Body not stiff, mind stiff!

Fav yoga pose: Humble warrior, Baddha Virabhadrasana
Likes: Essential Oils

Dave Glover

Dave has been practicing ashtanga vinyasa yoga since 2005, initially attending just one class a week until he was hooked on the graceful and energetic flow of Ashtanga, and began a daily practice.
In 2012 Dave met his current teacher, John Scott, and the following year completed John’s teacher training programme and began teaching himself. Since then Dave has continued to develop his skills and knowledge with John in various locations around the world.

In 2015 Dave travelled to Mysore, India to practice at the Shri K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute, where Ashtanga Yoga was first practiced.
Dave strongly believes in an accessible non-judgemental approach to yoga, and that anyone can practice yoga and enjoy it’s many benefits. It doesn’t matter how young or old, how fit, how flexible, or how able, if you want to practice, you can.

Nicky Leung

Nicky has been practicing yoga since 2010, initially to keep fit. Over the years, however, she has found that yoga brings many unexpected benefits, both mentally and physically. She completed her first teacher training in 2016 because she wanted to deepen her knowledge of yoga, in both spiritual and asana aspects. She focuses on alignment and encourages students to always return to the basics to build a strong foundation for further practice.

She enjoys combining the practice with music to enhance the dynamics and inspire students to find their strengths. Through various practices and training, she enjoys discovering something new in her own sequence, which allows her to learn more about teaching as well as deepen her personal practice.

Nicky strongly believes that yoga is for everyone, with no comparisons or judgments. Everyone has their own yoga journey, and they deserve to experience the benefits from their practice.

Maria Widdows

When Maria stepped into her first yoga class, over 20 years ago, she was mesmerised by the sound of the breath, by everyone moving in the same way at the same time. She knew then that she had found something that truly resonated.  

From her first class to now, the practice of yoga has helped her in many ways. Yoga brings space and balance to her life, helping to find a place of calmness and contentment – not something that comes easy with her busy brain. Listening to the body and moving in a way that feels right and intuitive brings a wonderful mind, body and breath connection that makes yoga so much more than just a physical practice for her. Hatha & Vinyasa trained yoga teacher, having qualified in 2020. Maria is  passionate about sharing the practice of yoga with others and loves  continuing  to learn.  Also accredited Menopause Yoga teacher, having been trained by Petra Coveney, and also Yin Yoga trained by Norman Blair. 

Maria  classes are friendly and welcoming, giving practitioners a safe space to explore the flowing movements of yoga, with an emphasis on the breath and alignment that feels right.